Source code for nsist

"""Build NSIS installers for Python applications.
import errno
import io
import logging
import ntpath
import operator
import os
    from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
    from pathlib2 import Path  # Backport
import re
import shutil
from subprocess import call
import sys
import fnmatch
import zipfile

PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2

if == 'nt':
    if PY2:
        import _winreg as winreg
        import winreg
    winreg = None

from .configreader import get_installer_builder_args
from .commands import prepare_bin_directory
from .copymodules import copy_modules
from .nsiswriter import NSISFileWriter
from .pypi import fetch_pypi_wheels
from .util import download, text_types, get_cache_dir

__version__ = '1.12'

pjoin = os.path.join
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_PKGDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
DEFAULT_PY_VERSION = '2.7.13' if PY2 else '3.6.1'
DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR = pjoin('build', 'nsis')
DEFAULT_ICON = pjoin(_PKGDIR, 'glossyorb.ico')
if == 'nt' and sys.maxsize == (2**63)-1:

def find_makensis_win():
    """Locate makensis.exe on Windows by querying the registry"""
        nsis_install_dir = winreg.QueryValue(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\NSIS')
    except OSError:
        nsis_install_dir = winreg.QueryValue(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\NSIS')

    return pjoin(nsis_install_dir, 'makensis.exe')

class InputError(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, param, value, expected):
        self.param = param
        self.value = value
        self.expected = expected

    def __str__(self):
        return "{e.value!r} is not valid for {e.param}, expected {e.expected}".format(e=self)

[docs]class InstallerBuilder(object): """Controls building an installer. This includes three main steps: 1. Arranging the necessary files in the build directory. 2. Filling out the template NSI file to control NSIS. 3. Running ``makensis`` to build the installer. :param str appname: Application name :param str version: Application version :param dict shortcuts: Dictionary keyed by shortcut name, containing dictionaries whose keys match the fields of :ref:`shortcut_config` in the config file :param str publisher: Publisher name :param str icon: Path to an icon for the application :param list packages: List of strings for importable packages to include :param dict commands: Dictionary keyed by command name, containing dicts defining the commands, as in the config file. :param list pypi_wheel_reqs: Package specifications to fetch from PyPI as wheels :param list extra_files: List of 2-tuples (file, destination) of files to include :param list exclude: Paths of files to exclude that would otherwise be included :param str py_version: Full version of Python to bundle :param int py_bitness: Bitness of bundled Python (32 or 64) :param str py_format: 'installer' or 'bundled'. Default 'bundled' for Python >= 3.6, 'installer' for older versions. :param bool inc_msvcrt: True to include the Microsoft C runtime with 'bundled' Python. Ignored when py_format='installer'. :param str build_dir: Directory to run the build in :param str installer_name: Filename of the installer to produce :param str nsi_template: Path to a template NSI file to use """ def __init__(self, appname, version, shortcuts, publisher=None, icon=DEFAULT_ICON, packages=None, extra_files=None, py_version=DEFAULT_PY_VERSION, py_bitness=DEFAULT_BITNESS, py_format=None, inc_msvcrt=True, build_dir=DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR, installer_name=None, nsi_template=None, exclude=None, pypi_wheel_reqs=None, commands=None): self.appname = appname self.version = version self.publisher = publisher self.shortcuts = shortcuts self.icon = icon self.packages = packages or [] self.exclude = [os.path.normpath(p) for p in (exclude or [])] self.extra_files = extra_files or [] self.pypi_wheel_reqs = pypi_wheel_reqs or [] self.commands = commands or {} # Python options self.py_version = py_version if not self._py_version_pattern.match(py_version): if not os.environ.get('PYNSIST_PY_PRERELEASE'): raise InputError('py_version', py_version, "a full Python version like '3.4.0'") self.py_bitness = py_bitness if py_bitness not in {32, 64}: raise InputError('py_bitness', py_bitness, "32 or 64") self.py_major_version = self.py_qualifier = '.'.join(self.py_version.split('.')[:2]) if self.py_bitness == 32: self.py_qualifier += '-32' if py_format is not None: self.py_format = py_format elif self.py_version_tuple >= (3, 6): self.py_format = 'bundled' else: self.py_format = 'installer' if self.py_version_tuple >= (3, 5): if self.py_format not in {'installer', 'bundled'}: raise InputError('py_format', self.py_format, "installer or bundled") else: if self.py_format != 'installer': raise InputError('py_format', self.py_format, "installer (for Python < 3.5)") self.inc_msvcrt = inc_msvcrt # Build details self.build_dir = build_dir self.installer_name = installer_name or self.make_installer_name() self.nsi_template = nsi_template if self.nsi_template is None: if self.py_format == 'bundled': if self.inc_msvcrt: self.nsi_template = 'pyapp_msvcrt.nsi' else: self.nsi_template = 'pyapp.nsi' elif self.py_version_tuple < (3, 3): self.nsi_template = 'pyapp_w_pylauncher.nsi' else: self.nsi_template = 'pyapp_installpy.nsi' self.nsi_file = pjoin(self.build_dir, 'installer.nsi') # To be filled later self.install_files = [] self.install_dirs = [] self.msvcrt_files = [] _py_version_pattern = re.compile(r'\d\.\d+\.\d+$') @property def py_version_tuple(self): parts = self.py_version.split('.') return int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]) def make_installer_name(self): """Generate the filename of the installer exe e.g. My_App_1.0.exe """ s = self.appname + '_' + self.version + '.exe' return s.replace(' ', '_') def _python_download_url_filename(self): version = self.py_version bitness = self.py_bitness if self.py_version_tuple >= (3, 5): if self.py_format == 'bundled': filename = 'python-{}-embed-{}.zip'.format(version, 'amd64' if bitness==64 else 'win32') else: filename = 'python-{}{}.exe'.format(version, '-amd64' if bitness==64 else '') else: filename = 'python-{0}{1}.msi'.format(version, '.amd64' if bitness==64 else '') version_minus_prerelease = re.sub(r'(a|b|rc)\d+$', '', self.py_version) return '{0}/{1}'.format( version_minus_prerelease, filename), filename
[docs] def fetch_python(self): """Fetch the MSI for the specified version of Python. It will be placed in the build directory. """ url, filename = self._python_download_url_filename() cache_file = get_cache_dir(ensure_existence=True) / filename if not cache_file.is_file():'Downloading Python installer...')'Getting %s', url) download(url, cache_file)'Copying Python installer to build directory') shutil.copy2(str(cache_file), self.build_dir)
def fetch_python_embeddable(self): url, filename = self._python_download_url_filename() cache_file = get_cache_dir(ensure_existence=True) / filename if not cache_file.is_file():'Downloading embeddable Python build...')'Getting %s', url) download(url, cache_file)'Unpacking Python...') python_dir = pjoin(self.build_dir, 'Python') try: shutil.rmtree(python_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise with zipfile.ZipFile(str(cache_file)) as z: z.extractall(python_dir) self.install_dirs.append(('Python', '$INSTDIR')) def prepare_msvcrt(self): arch = 'x64' if self.py_bitness == 64 else 'x86' src = pjoin(_PKGDIR, 'msvcrt', arch) dst = pjoin(self.build_dir, 'msvcrt') self.msvcrt_files = sorted(os.listdir(src)) try: shutil.rmtree(dst) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise shutil.copytree(src, dst)
[docs] def fetch_pylauncher(self): """Fetch the MSI for PyLauncher (required for Python2.x). It will be placed in the build directory. """ arch_tag = '.amd64' if (self.py_bitness == 64) else '' url = ("" "launchwin{0}.msi".format(arch_tag)) target = pjoin(self.build_dir, 'launchwin{0}.msi'.format(arch_tag)) if os.path.isfile(target):'PyLauncher MSI already in build directory.') return'Downloading PyLauncher MSI...') download(url, target)
SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """#!python{qualifier} import sys, os scriptdir, script = os.path.split(__file__) pkgdir = os.path.join(scriptdir, 'pkgs') sys.path.insert(0, pkgdir) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = pkgdir + os.pathsep + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '') # APPDATA should always be set, but in case it isn't, try user home # If none of APPDATA, HOME, USERPROFILE or HOMEPATH are set, this will fail. appdata = os.environ.get('APPDATA', None) or os.path.expanduser('~') if 'pythonw' in sys.executable: # Running with no console - send all stdstream output to a file. kw = {{'errors': 'replace'}} if (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) else {{}} sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(os.path.join(appdata, script+'.log'), 'w', **kw) else: # In a console. But if the console was started just for this program, it # will close as soon as we exit, so write the traceback to a file as well. def excepthook(etype, value, tb): "Write unhandled exceptions to a file and to stderr." import traceback traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb) with open(os.path.join(appdata, script+'.log'), 'w') as f: traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=f) sys.excepthook = excepthook {extra_preamble} if __name__ == '__main__': from {module} import {func} {func}() """
[docs] def write_script(self, entrypt, target, extra_preamble=''): """Write a launcher script from a 'module:function' entry point py_version and py_bitness are used to write an appropriate shebang line for the PEP 397 Windows launcher. """ module, func = entrypt.split(":") with open(target, 'w') as f: f.write(self.SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format(qualifier=self.py_qualifier, module=module, func=func, extra_preamble=extra_preamble)) pkg = module.split('.')[0] if pkg not in self.packages: self.packages.append(pkg)
[docs] def prepare_shortcuts(self): """Prepare shortcut files in the build directory. If entry_point is specified, write the script. If script is specified, copy to the build directory. Prepare target and parameters for these shortcuts. Also copies shortcut icons """ files = set() for scname, sc in self.shortcuts.items(): if not sc.get('target'): if sc.get('entry_point'): sc['script'] = script = scname.replace(' ', '_') + '' \ + ('' if sc['console'] else 'w') specified_preamble = sc.get('extra_preamble', None) if isinstance(specified_preamble, text_types): # Filename extra_preamble =, encoding='utf-8') elif specified_preamble is None: extra_preamble = io.StringIO() # Empty else: # Passed a StringIO or similar object extra_preamble = specified_preamble self.write_script(sc['entry_point'], pjoin(self.build_dir, script), else: shutil.copy2(sc['script'], self.build_dir) if self.py_format == 'bundled': target = '$INSTDIR\Python\python{}.exe' else: target = 'py{}' sc['target'] = target.format('' if sc['console'] else 'w') sc['parameters'] = '"%s"' % ntpath.join('$INSTDIR', sc['script']) files.add(os.path.basename(sc['script'])) shutil.copy2(sc['icon'], self.build_dir) sc['icon'] = os.path.basename(sc['icon']) files.add(sc['icon']) self.install_files.extend([(f, '$INSTDIR') for f in files])
[docs] def prepare_packages(self): """Move requested packages into the build directory. If a pynsist_pkgs directory exists, it is copied into the build directory as pkgs/ . Any packages not already there are found on sys.path and copied in. """"Copying packages into build directory...") build_pkg_dir = pjoin(self.build_dir, 'pkgs') if os.path.isdir(build_pkg_dir): shutil.rmtree(build_pkg_dir) # 1. Manually prepared packages if os.path.isdir('pynsist_pkgs'): shutil.copytree('pynsist_pkgs', build_pkg_dir) else: os.mkdir(build_pkg_dir) # 2. Wheels from PyPI fetch_pypi_wheels(self.pypi_wheel_reqs, build_pkg_dir, py_version=self.py_version, bitness=self.py_bitness) # 3. Copy importable modules copy_modules(self.packages, build_pkg_dir, py_version=self.py_version, exclude=self.exclude)
def prepare_commands(self): command_dir = Path(self.build_dir) / 'bin' if command_dir.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(str(command_dir)) command_dir.mkdir() prepare_bin_directory(command_dir, self.commands, bitness=self.py_bitness) self.install_dirs.append((, '$INSTDIR')) self.extra_files.append((pjoin(_PKGDIR, ''), '$INSTDIR')) self.extra_files.append((pjoin(_PKGDIR, ''), '$INSTDIR')) def copytree_ignore_callback(self, directory, files): """This is being called back by our shutil.copytree call to implement the 'exclude' feature. """ ignored = set() # Filter by file names relative to the build directory directory = os.path.normpath(directory) files = [os.path.join(directory, fname) for fname in files] # Execute all patterns for pattern in self.exclude: ignored.update([ os.path.basename(fname) for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) ]) return ignored
[docs] def copy_extra_files(self): """Copy a list of files into the build directory, and add them to install_files or install_dirs as appropriate. """ for file, destination in self.extra_files: file = file.rstrip('/\\') basename = os.path.basename(file) if not destination: destination = '$INSTDIR' if os.path.isdir(file): target_name = pjoin(self.build_dir, basename) if os.path.isdir(target_name): shutil.rmtree(target_name) elif os.path.exists(target_name): os.unlink(target_name) if self.exclude: shutil.copytree(file, target_name, ignore=self.copytree_ignore_callback) else: # Don't use our exclude callback if we don't need to, # as it slows things down. shutil.copytree(file, target_name) self.install_dirs.append((basename, destination)) else: shutil.copy2(file, self.build_dir) self.install_files.append((basename, destination))
[docs] def write_nsi(self): """Write the NSI file to define the NSIS installer. Most of the details of this are in the template and the :class:`nsist.nsiswriter.NSISFileWriter` class. """ nsis_writer = NSISFileWriter(self.nsi_template, installerbuilder=self)'Writing NSI file to %s', self.nsi_file) # Sort by destination directory, so we can group them effectively self.install_files.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) nsis_writer.write(self.nsi_file)
[docs] def run_nsis(self): """Runs makensis using the specified .nsi file Returns the exit code. """ try: if == 'nt': makensis = find_makensis_win() else: makensis = 'makensis' return call([makensis, self.nsi_file]) except OSError as e: # This should catch either the registry key or makensis being absent if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: print("makensis was not found. Install NSIS and try again.") print("") return 1
[docs] def run(self, makensis=True): """Run all the steps to build an installer. """ try: os.makedirs(self.build_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e if self.py_format == 'bundled': self.fetch_python_embeddable() if self.inc_msvcrt: self.prepare_msvcrt() else: self.fetch_python() if self.py_version < '3.3': self.fetch_pylauncher() self.prepare_shortcuts() if self.commands: self.prepare_commands() # Packages self.prepare_packages() # Extra files self.copy_extra_files() self.write_nsi() if makensis: exitcode = self.run_nsis() if not exitcode:'Installer written to %s', pjoin(self.build_dir, self.installer_name))
def main(argv=None): """Make an installer from the command line. This parses command line arguments and a config file, and calls :func:`all_steps` with the extracted information. """ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.handlers = [logging.StreamHandler()] import argparse argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pynsist') argp.add_argument('config_file') argp.add_argument('--no-makensis', action='store_true', help='Prepare files and folders, stop before calling makensis. For debugging.' ) options = argp.parse_args(argv) dirname, config_file = os.path.split(options.config_file) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) from . import configreader try: cfg = configreader.read_and_validate(config_file) except configreader.InvalidConfig as e: logger.error('Error parsing configuration file:') logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) args = get_installer_builder_args(cfg) try: InstallerBuilder(**args).run(makensis=(not options.no_makensis)) except InputError as e: logger.error("Error in config values:") logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1)